
Showing posts from 2015

Amazing Use of colour Cards: Communication, Team Management, Process Improvement

Have you ever thought about it, when the colours have more political and commercial significance than the colours of the Nature and of inherent human values? Colour cards can be made easily and used in many ways: Communication: A.   Learning a Language: For instance, we can use colour cards to learn a language. For instance, to learn English language in a very simple way by using Color Cards that will represent the important parts of a sentence or speech and help us in understanding the relevance of each part in forming the sentence. First,   we will make three colour cards for   " Subject ", " Verb "   and   " Object " .   Subject   to represent the person or object that does the action or activity denoted by the " Verb"   card and the " object"  is the objective or result of the action. E.g. Girl makes tea.   Girl =   Subject,   makes =   Verb,   tea =   Object. ...

Multidisciplinary Learning Approach of Constructivism in Adult Learning

Andragogy means leading an adult.  Knowles has based Andragogy (Adult Learning) on five assumptions: 1.        Adults have self concept. 2.        Adults need to be responsible for their learning. Since, they have experience of passive learning in school and college. 3.        Show readiness to learn based on their development tasks and social roles and they assess themselves: Adult learners assess their own learning. 4.         Orientation to learn: to apply their knowledge to solve problems using the skills learnt. They have life experience with presumptions and biases based on it. So, learning also involves removal of some presumptions and biases that are based on life experiences. 5.        Internal motivation to learn.  To coincide learning with transition and development of the learner. Characteristi...


Objectives: Help the participants of a training programme to know the other participants and befriend them. Initial step in developing team spirit by understanding how the strengths of a friend or team member is the strength of the group of friends or team and how the members can complement each other with their individual strength to overcome their individual weakness The participants to appreciate diversity viz. cultural, vocational, etc. Materials needed:   1. Sketch pen set for each participant 2. Notepad for each participant 3. writing (ball tip) pen for each participant Duration of the activity: 30 minutes The Activity: Briefing to begin the activity: The facilitator to open the activity by sensitising the participants to the fact, all the five fingers in our hand are not identical, but they complement each other in effective use of our hand.  Then ask all the participants to group ...